Facebook Marketing


Marketing plan using Facebook page

Optimise the use of Facebook page

Firstly, our plan for the Facebook page is to optimise the usage of the page as efficiently as possible. We will try to use the available functionality that is provided in the Facebook page to optimise the usage of the page. 

We will use high-quality images that represent our business and brand effectively to make them appealing to the audiences. Also, we will provide a robust description of our business on the page to give the audience an informative description that can be understood easily. Furthermore, we will provide our contact information such as our email address, our main service website link and phone number that is available for potential customers to reach out to. 

Lastly, we will use the Call To Action button, one of the functionality provided in the Facebook page that will direct the visitors of our page to take specific actions, such as “Learn More" and “Contact Use” buttons. This will help to achieve better engagement to the visitors of our Facebook page that will be our potential customers in the future.

Content Strategy

On top of optimising the use of Facebook page and its built-in functionality, we will also have a content strategy, which is the strategy on how we will post our contents in the page. 

We need to plan them ahead because the content is the one that will determine whether the visitors will stick around and be a customer for us. That being said, we have several strategies that we want to execute, firstly being to create a valuable content that includes a mix of informative, engaging and visually appealing to the visitors of our page, making them feel like following our page will return something if not being ours customers. This will help our brand awareness and drive traffic to our page since there are a lot of people who want to see these valuable and informative contents. 

Also, we will establish a consistent posting schedule to maintain engagement with our audience. This will lead to our audience anticipating our posts thus getting loyalty from our audiences. We will also balance between promotional content and value-driven posts so that our audience will stick around for the content that they desire, whether the audience is our loyal customer or random person on Facebook.

Community Engagement and Customer Support

Any business that wants to succeed must be able to satisfy their clients, and community engagement can be a useful tool in doing so. It is important to enhance a client’s experience in order to gain their trust and loyalty. 

In order to gain their loyalty, we will respond to the inquiries on Facebook. We will monitor the Facebook page regularly and promptly respond to any messages and comments. This will demonstrate to them that we pay attention to their questions. By addressing client inquiries, providing support, and engaging in conversations, we build trust and foster positive relationships with our clients. 

Next, in order to convince client that our service is both affordable and of the highest standard, we encourage them to post reviews and recommendations on our Facebook page. Reviews and Testimonials from clietnts are incredibly helpful tools for us to have. They can not only spotlight satisfied clients, but they can also give future clients who research products or services online useful information. Another aspect is that positive reviews and testimonials can have a big impact on how people regard our service and draw in new clients.

People who engage with our content frequently will eventually show up in the online community. Taking care of these clients is our main responsibility. For better community participation, it's crucial to not just draw in new audiences but also make an effort to keep and support the ones we already have such as letting them know about our new services and offers as soon as they become available. 

Lastly, is celebrating success no matter how big or small it is with the community. We frequently lose sight of the fact that we have come a long way because we are so preoccupied with our tasks. We will make sure to notify our customers when accomplishing any exciting milestones, such as first 100 clients.

Marketing Strategy using Facebook page

Compelling Visuals

Create visually appealing images or videos that showcase the value of your resume services. Such as product example, as visual content tends to grab attention and generate more engagement on social media.

Testimonials and Success Stories

Share testimonials from satisfied clients who have successfully landed job interviews or secured new positions with the help of Dr Resume services. Real-life success stories can be powerful motivators for potential customers to use your services.

Limited-Time Offers

Create a sense of urgency and incentivize potential customers by offering limited-time promotions or discounts. For example, making the price goes down for 50% for the a limited time.
